
入賞者コンサートat カードシアター

入賞者コンサートat カードシアター




管弦楽コンサート with 第三位受賞者 Veronica Issajeva(ピアニスト/エストニア)
カード・シアターカード・スワン・ゲーオ 5F
700THB, 500THB, 300THB
学生無料, 大学生(ID提示)50%オフ
当日券は カードシアター (カードスワンケーオ5階)受付にて午後4時より販売します。
Lotus Pang Suan Kaew Hotel(ロータス・ホテル・パンスワンケーオ)インフォメーション・デスク
お問合せフォーム 日本語、タイ語、英語可
080-849-2009 (日本語、英語)
jjcadenza5@gmail.com or 084-043-9821 (タイ語、英語)



パート I: 室内楽出演者

コンクール入賞者コンサート カード・シアター(カード・スワン・ゲーオ)


パート 1 プログラム : 16:30 カードシアター

チェンマイ特別賞 Geoff Erik Music Conservatoire Award for Chiang Mai Musician

銅賞3位 Super Brass Ensemble 金管アンサンブル – チェンマイ


「吹奏楽のための第2組曲」より 行進曲 / ホルスト
日本に捧ぐ歌 /フェルヘルスト
タイガー・ラグ / ゲール
銀賞2位 CMSaxtet サキソフォン・アンサンブル – チェンマイ


ジャイブ・フォー・ファイブ / ポール・ネイグル
愛は永遠に続く / ガーシュイン
金賞1位 Nawanop Phetthammaros ピアノ - チェンマイ


ピアノ三重奏曲 変ホ長調 「ノットゥルノ」 Op. 148 /シューベルト
ピアノ : Nawanop Phetthammaros
バイオリン : Santiphap Viriyothai
チェロ : Siriphan Liyawarakhun


Isanan Chotirosniramit ピアノ – バンコク


ペトラルカのソネット第104番 / リスト
夜想曲ハ短調作品48-1 / ショパン
ヒナステラ特別賞入選佳作 : 小倉裕貴 ピアノ – 日本


A.Ginastera / Piano Sonata No.2 Op.53


Adam Putra ピアノ – インドネシア


「ノルマ」の回想(ベッリーニ)/ リスト


高木直樹 ピアノ – 日本


組曲「クレオール舞曲集」作品15 / ヒナステラ


Anant Changwaiwit ピアノ – バンコク


平均律クラヴィア曲集 第2巻 第6番 ニ短調 BWV.875 / バッハ
ソナタ7番, Op.83 (II and III mov) / プロコフィエフ

2位銀賞- German Honorary Consul, Hagen Dirksen Award

丸場 慶人 サクソフォン – 日本


スペインのフォリア / マラン・マレ
舞 / 野田燎



丸場 慶人

keito maruba

2位銀賞 サクソフォン, 日本
スペインのフォリア / マラン・マレ
舞 / 野田燎

1986年 静岡県浜松市生まれ。2013年 東京藝術大学大学院音楽研究科修士課程修了。
第24、25回 SBS静岡県学生音楽コンクール 第2位
第7回 日本サクソフォーン 協会ジュニア・サクソフォーン・コンクール 第2位
第28回 日本管打楽器コンクールサクソフォーン部門 入選(4位)
サックストリオ「ECOLOGIA」サックスカルッテット「QUATTRO CENTO」として全国各地で演奏活動を行っている。クラシカル・サクソフォーンの古典的な作品から、今までに聴いた事のないような響きの作品、特に東洋の民族音楽をアレンジした作品などをレパートリーに持ち、独特のプログラムを展開している。
2014年 作曲家・田村修平作曲、サクソフォーン協奏曲「シルクロード・コンチェルト -悠久の天地へ-」初演。
2015年 Tokyo Rock’n Sax(東京ロックンサックス)参加。1st アルバム「Permanent」リリース

  • Permanent – TokyoRock’nSAX : MetroMusic
  • Moment – TokyoRock’n SAX : MetroMusic

Official Website


naoki takagi

ヒナステラ特別賞 ピアノ, 日本
組曲「クレオール舞曲集」作品15 / ヒナステラ






Anant Changwaiwit


タイ人音楽家特別賞JALアワード ピアノ, タイ
平均律クラヴィア曲集 第2巻 第6番 ニ短調 BWV.875 / バッハ
ソナタ7番, Op.83 (II and III mov) / プロコフィエフ

A Thai pianist, Anant was born in 1991. He began his piano lessons at age of nine. He has attended to Pre-College Music Program at College of Music, Mahidol University since 2007. In 2010 Anant continuously studied toward a undergraduate program where he was a recipient of the Merit Scholarships during his undergraduate study at the university. In 2014 Anant received a Bachelor of Music Degree in Classical Music Performance with first-class honors. He is currently studying in the Master of Music program in Performance and Pedagogy where he was awarded Gold Medal Scholarship from 16th Settrade Thailand Youth Music Competition.
His major influences in his musical development were studied by Dr. Wen-Hui Lily Lin, Bakhtiyor Allaberganov, Sebastien Koch and Boonlong Nithi-uthai. Currently, Anant is a student of Asst. Prof. Dr. Eri Nakagawa and Prof. Rolf-Dieters Arens.
In 2013 Anant was the winner of MSMU Concerto Competition. In 2014 He won the First prize from 4th Mozart International Piano Competition in Thailand and Gold Medal, Third prize winner of 16th Settrade Thailand Youth Music Competition. Recently, in 2017 Anant was the Special Prize winner from 2nd Chiangmai Ginastera International Festival and Competition.
As the soloist, Anant was selected to play Saint-Saën’s Piano Concerto No.2 with Mahidol Symphony Orchestra. In 2015 he was invited to perform with Thailand Philharmonic Orchestra (TPO) where he performed Prokofiev’s Piano Concerto No.3, under the baton of Gudni A. Emilson. In the following year, Anant joined Alfonso Scarano and TPO to present Tchaikovsky’s Piano Concerto No.1.
In April, 2018 Anant was invited as a guest soloist to present Tchaikovsky’s Piano Concerto No.1 with North Czech Philharmonic Teplice in Czech Republic.



ヒナステラ特別賞入選佳作 ピアノ, 日本
ピアノ・ソナタ第2番 / ヒナステラ

2017年 トーディ・インターナショナル・ミュージックマスターズ修了。


Adam Putra


うさと賞 ピアノ, インドネシア
「ノルマ」の回想(ベッリーニ)/ リスト

Born on January 15, 2001, in Jakarta, Adam began playing the piano at 4, under the supervision of her mother, Ms. Sanny. He continued studying in YPM Music School in 2007, where he was taught by several teachers, namely Ms. Maria Caecilia D. R. Murni from the elementary grade to grade 3, and Ms. Cut Amanda M. Arianto up until grade 5. Within the same year of his secondary education completion from Citra Alam School, Adam also graduated from YPM’s elementary program and won “The 2014 YPM Junior Artist Award”. In 2016, he subsequently earned “The Award for YPM’s Most Outstanding Performance” and “The YPM Artist Award” in his final graduation from YPM Music School. Since grade 6 and until now, Adam studies music with Indonesia’s renown pianist- Mr. Levi Gunardi.
At young age, Adam’s dedication to become a pianist has earned him many achievements from various prestigious competitions. He won first prize in Bali Open Piano Competition 2016, Pearl River Students Piano Competition II 2017, and also a Gold medal in Steinway Youth Piano Competition 2018 recently. It is worth noting that Adam’s ongoing involvement in the orchestra has given him the Honor for Being The Youngest Ever Twillite Orchestra Member.

Isanant Chotirosniramit


入選佳作 ピアノ, タイ
ペトラルカのソネット第104番 / リスト
夜想曲ハ短調作品48-1 / ショパン

Born in 1998, Isanan Chotirosniramit grew up in Chiang Mai, Thailand. He started his first piano lesson with Ajarn Thidapat Naiyana at the age of 7, later with Ajarn Remi Namthep and Ajarn Atsuko Seta. Throughout the years Isanan has performed as a soloist and he also participated in several music competitions including the Thailand Chopin International Competition , Bangkok Steinway Concerto Competition, The S.E.T Youth Musician Competition(Silver Prize) and he also received a Honorable mention prize from 2nd Chiang Mai Ginastera Competition. Currently, Isanan is a scholaship student in his second year at College of Music, Mahidol University, Studying under the tuteleage of Dr.Wen-Hui Lily Lin and Prof.Arens rolf-dieter. Isanan is the founding member of the Mahidol Saxophone Trio which performed in many countries including The 17th Osaka Competition in Japan and the 2016 Asian Saxophone Congress in Taiwan.

Nawanop Phetthammaros


チェンマイ賞1位 ピアノ, タイ
ピアノ三重奏曲 変ホ長調 「ノットゥルノ」 Op. 148 /シューベルト

Nawaop Phetthammaros is a Thai Classical Pianist Born in Chiangmai in 1993. In 2010, he began his first piano lesson with Ms. Chitlada Khammasit, a piano teacher In 2012, he graduated from Dara Acedemy high school and studied at Duriyasilp College of Music, Payap University in a Bachelor of Music.
Later In 2012, he studied with Professor Atsuko Seta in classical music. During several years in university, he performed in many stages in Honor Recitals and Piano Concerto. He graduated from Payap university in 2016, he keeps studying with Atsuko Seta and takes a carrier as a pianist and piano teacher.




チェンマイ賞2位 サキソフォン・アンサンブル, タイ
ジャイブ・フォー・ファイブ / ポール・ネイグル
愛は永遠に続く / ガーシュイン


Super Brass Ensemble


チェンマイ賞3位 金管アンサンブル, タイ
「吹奏楽のための第2組曲」より 行進曲 / ホルスト
日本に捧ぐ歌 /フェルヘルスト
タイガー・ラグ / ゲール

Super Brass Ensemble formed in 2013 by Brass players who works and studies at College of music, Payap university in Chiangmai mai. The group performs widely and participates in many communities services in Chiangmai, Lampang. In 2016, they won the special prize for Chiangmai Musician at the 1st Ginastera Chiangmai Music festival and competition and won the 3rd prize for Geoff Erik Music Conservatoire Award for Chiangmai Musician in 2017


Part II: チェンマイ交響楽団コンサート

管弦楽コンサート with 第三位受賞者 Veronica Issajeva(ピアニスト/エストニア)at カード・シアター


パート 2 プログラム : 19:30 カードシアター


ディヴェルティメントニ長調 第24番 K.136 / モーツアルト


ピアノ協奏曲第1番 ホ短調 作品11/ ショパン


ピアノ: Veronica Issajeva (3位銅賞: ピアノ – エストニア)
アレグロ マエストーソ


交響曲第8番「未完成」/ シューベルト


アレグロ モデラート
アンダンテ コン モト


Veronica Issajeva


3位銅賞 ピアノ : エストニア
ピアノ協奏曲第1番 ホ短調 作品11/ ショパン

Veronika Issajeva, I was born on the 6th of August in 1994 in Tallinn ( Estonia ) . I participated and became the laureate in many national and international competitions in Tallinn and abroad.
2004 – International competition ‘’Young Musician’’, Tallinn(Estonia)- 2nd prize and special prize for the best performance of the concerto with orchestra ‘’The Girl and The Dragon’’.
2007 – International competition ‘’Young Musician’’, Tallinn- 4th prize, diploma and special prize for the best performance of the piece, written by J.S.Bach
2008 – The 6th Estonian national competition in Tartu (Estonia)- 1st prize and special prize for the best performance of the piece, written by Claude Debussy
2008 – International competition ‘’Santa Cecilia’’ in Segovia (Spain)-2nd prize
2009 – National competition ‘’The Best Young Musician of the 2009 year’’, Tallinn (Estonia)- 1st prize and special prize for the best performance of sonata, written by J.Haydn
2009 – International competition ‘’Usti nad Labem’’ (Czech Republic)- 3rd prize
2010 – The 6th International Competition ‘’Zlatko Grgosevic’’ in Zagreb (Croatia)- 2nd prize
2010 – I got the title ‘’Promising young talent of the Estonian Republic’’
2011 – The 7th International Frederic Chopin Competition in Beijing (China)- 7th prize
2012 – The IX International Frederic Chopin competition in Narva (Estonia)- 4th prize, special prize awarded by The Fryderyk Chopin Society of Warsaw and Award Certificate for the best performance of a work by F.Chopin
2012 – National competition in memory of Heino Eller in Tallinn(Estonia)- Grand Prix
2013 – National piano soloists competition. As the winner I performed S.Rachmaninov’s 2nd piano concerto with the Symphony Orchestra of the School, named after Georg Ots
2013 – Music Fest Perugia (Italy). As the winner of the international piano soloists competition I performed L.van Beethoven’s 3rd piano concerto with the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra
2014 – Music Fest Perugia (Italy). International piano soloists competition. As the winner I performed F.Chopin’s 1st piano concerto with the Spain Alicante Philharmonic Orchestra
2015 – International Competition in Schlern (Italy)- 1st prize
2015 – Solo recital in The House of Blackheads (Tallinn Philharmony)
2015 – VI ASEAN International Chopin Competition in Kuala- Lumpur (Malaysia)- 3rd prize
2016 – Solo recital in the Big Hall of the Estonian Academy of Music
2016 – III Siberian International Frederic Chopin Competition in Tomsk (Russia)- 3rd prize
2016 – As the best pianist of the Estonian Republic I performed twice with F.Chopin’s 1st piano concerto in Estonia Big Philharmony Hall with the Estonian National Orchestra
2016 – Cecile Edel-Latos International Competition in Paris (France)- 4th prize
2016 – State Award from the Ministry of Culture of the Estonian Republic
2017 – International competition dedicated to the memory of the pianist Lilian Semper (Tallinn, Estonia)- 1st prize
2017 – Chiang Mai Ginastera International Music Competition- 3rd prize, Bronze Award and Osaka Credit Union Dr.Tatsuo Fukami Award
2017 – State Award from the Foundation of the Estonian Nationality and Cultural Heritage of the Estonian Republic

Chaipruck Mekara

Chaipruck Mekara is a Chiang Mai native. After graduating from Payap University, he received his Masters of Music degree (double major in Music Composition and Clarinet performance) from Roosevelt University, where he studied with Dr. Robert Lombardo. In 2003, Mekara received his DMA in Music Composition from Northwestern University, where is studied with Dr. Stephen Syverud, Dr. William Karlins, and Dr. Jay Allan Yim. Like many Asian composers who went abroad to continue their education, he realized the value of his native culture while in a foreign land. His music attempts to combine the aesthetic philosophy of the East with the compositional techniques of the West. Mekara’s music was performed by the Thai Youth Symphony Orchestra, the Chiangmai Symphony Orchestra and by various artists such as TIMF Ensemble (Korea), TICF artists in resident (Thailand). His composition also was premiered at the World Choir Games, 2012, Cincinnati, OH, International Trumpet Guild, 2011 Minneapolis, MN. Thailand International Composition Festival, Thailand, and Asian Young Musicians’ Connection, Chaipruck also gave series of lecture at several Schools of Music in the US. for example Northwestern University, IL, Columbia College, IL, University of Iowa, California State University, San Bernardino, CA and Illinois Wesleyan University, IL. In Thailand, Chaipruck founded the Chiangmai Youth Philharmonic Band and Symphony Orchestra Foundation. As a conductor, in 2005-2006, he was a music director and conductor of the Musical “Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dream Coat” Produced by The Voice Studio. In 2005, Mr. Mekara composed and conducted the “Farung Rum Thao” for Symphonic Band and Thai Classical Orchestra for the Princess of Thailand. Mekara was invited as a conductor in resident of China-ASEAN Music Week, 2015 in Nanning, Quangxi, China. He is now the music director and conductor of the Chiangmai Symphony Orchestra and the Chiangmai Philharmonic Band. Mr. Mekara also serves as the Music Composition instructor at the College of Music at Payap University
